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Block by Block: Looking to the Future of Blockchain

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Community + Values

A C+V Symposium

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5月2日,60多名社区成员和丹佛专家参加了2022 - 2023 C+V区块链系列研讨会的第二部分, 2023. DU faculty and staff members, students, alumni, 和行业专家参加了这次活动,讨论区块链在不同领域的未来. 演讲者讨论了区块链技术如何改变金融等各个行业, the arts, supply chain management, healthcare, real estate, higher education, and more. And this transformation has only just begun!


Download the symposium resource handout

This Community + Values Symposium was planned in partnership with: Office of the Provost; College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Daniels College of Business; Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science; University College; Entrepreneurship@DU; Employer Connections, Advancement; DU Student Web3 Club; Sustainability Council

C+V Blockchain Symposium Part II | Full Symposium

Hear from the experts!

Ethical Consideration for Blockchain Design & Implementation

Wendy Charles headshot photo

Dr. Wendy Charles
Chief Scientific Officer, BurstIQ
Faculty Member, Information and Communications Technology

University College, University of Denver

Dr. Wendy Charles探讨了使用区块链技术的伦理影响,以及区块链如何用于社会公益. 在这篇发人深省的正规赌博十大平台排行使用区块链技术的伦理考虑的探索中, 她将探讨在使用这种新兴技术时可能出现的伦理困境.  与会者在实施区块链解决方案时,对潜在的社会影响和道德决策的重要性有了更深的了解.

  • Learn more about Dr. Charles

    Dr. Wendy Charles描述了她30年来对健康相关研究的热情,并在运营和法规遵从方面拥有强大的背景. She currently serves as Chief Scientific Officer at BurstIQ, 专注于区块链和人工智能的数字健康转型公司. 她很高兴能在杜克大学担任兼职教员,在那里教授有关数字健康和区块链的课程. Dr. Charles目前在欧盟区块链观察站和论坛专家小组任职, Government Blockchain Association healthcare working groups, 以及为区块链技术设计标准的IEEE工作组. 她还参与了学术期刊的副编辑和同行评议. Dr. Charles obtained her Ph.D. 在科罗拉多大学安舒茨医学院获得临床科学和健康信息技术专业学位. She is certified as an Institutional Review Board Professional, Clinical Research Professional, and Blockchain Professional.

Arts & the Blockchain: Art After the NFT Storm

Chris Coleman headshot photo

Christopher Coleman
Professor, Emergent Digital Practices
Director, Clinic for Open Source Arts

Now that both NFT and crypto markets have come back to earth, 我们可以开始进行长期的对话,讨论我们在艺术界学到的经验教训,以及区块链如何在未来发挥作用. We see how artists and art markets are now using blockchains, how artists are making work on and about the blockchain, 以及艺术家和艺术机构如何考虑区块链来存档和证明所有权.

Web 3 and the Future of the University Student Experience

Matt Romo Nichols headshot photo

Matthew "Matt" Romo Nichols
Web3 Club President
Fourth-year student, DU

Matthew Romo Nichols, the current President of the University of Denver's Web 3 club, 研究了Web 3协议对未来大学生体验的潜在影响. 讨论深入探讨了Web 3在学术领域(如认证)的变革性影响, data ownership, and research collaboration. 通过利用分散和分布式技术的优势, students can anticipate more tailored learning experiences, greater transparency in academic records, better integration with urban environments, and strengthened cross-institution collaborations in the future.

  • Learn more about Matt

    马特目前是正规赌博十大平台排行的一名四年级学生,获得全额学术奖学金, majoring in the Business of the Built Environment. He has a variety of work experience from the service industry, marketing, sales, contract negotiation, Web3 as well as real estate development.

    DU Web3 Club

Crypto & Law: Reports from the Bleeding Edge


Wil Wenzel headshot photo

William “Wil” Wenzel, Esq.
Owner, Red Road Legal, PC

Crypto的狂野西部已经成为遥远的回忆,而且镇上有了新警长. 法院和美国证券交易委员会如何看待加密行业中出现的(相对)新资产和组织? 与会者探讨了影响加密资产和去中心化自治组织(dao)的法律状况,以确定前进的道路.

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    加州、科罗拉多州和德克萨斯州的首批区块链律师之一William S. 温泽尔创立他的律师事务所的愿景是为企业家和他们的企业提供富有同情心的咨询. Emphasizing distributed ledger technology integration, 该办公室是房地产等行业公司的外部总法律顾问, aerospace, technology, and finance. Among other “cradle to sale” business legal services, the law firm provides formation planning, employee and asset acquisition, contract drafting and negotiation, governance, risk analysis, and mergers and acquisitions assistance. Beyond assisting transactions, 他的办公室在州和联邦法院的商业诉讼中一直有有利的结果.
    2022 Amendments to the Universal Commercial Code
    Exercise Caution with Crypto Asset Securities: Investor Alert

A Call to Action

Wendy Charles headshot photo

Dr. Wendy Charles
Chief Scientific Officer, BurstIQ
Faculty Member, Information and Communications Technology

University College, University of Denver

Listen to Dr. Wendy Charles呼吁那些对区块链感兴趣的人加入国际, national, state, local, 组织层面的小组围绕区块链做重要的工作,并检查学生可以使用的杜区块链课程!