








Former engineers create way to save electronics that get wet


So many of us have had that sinking feeling: You drop your cell phone in the toilet, 不然你的钥匙就会被雨淋湿, or you spill your drink on your computer 和 it no longer works.

“People have to know that a solution even exists for them to go 和 Google it,亚当·库克森说, 2013年毕业于哈佛商学院(harvard university)的emba项目 丹尼尔斯商学院. 他是一家名为 TekDry. Its mission is to rescue your electronic device when the unthinkable happens.

“Initially we felt like the engineering might be the tough part of this, but what’s been surprising is how difficult it has been from a marketing perspective to get the word out there for something new,克雷格·拜内克说, also a 2013 alum of the executive MBA program 和 co-founder 和 vice president of sales for TekDry.

Tekdry的Adam Cookson和Craig Beinecke
Tekdry的Adam Cookson和Craig Beinecke

Cookson 和 Beinecke met while attending a class on innovation. They were both engineers looking to exp和 their skill sets when they arrived at DU. All it took was an undergraduate student to drop her phone in a toilet for them to realize what they wanted to do next.

“We realized at that point that this was a global problem, 和 we focused our time 和 efforts to find a solution,库克森说. “Our engineering backgrounds helped us figure out the science 和 make it a reliable, 可重复的过程.”

They used their time in the MBA program to figure out the business side of their project. A pivotal moment came during their international trip to Tel Aviv 和 Istanbul. 他们正在向一家公司推销自己的想法, 在演示的过程中, they were asked if this was a real thing or just a class project. At that point they realized their idea could become a real thing.

The next two years saw a slow process of obtaining patents, 离开全职工作, raising capital 和 testing their product in local malls. 但在2015年,该公司真正开始起飞. 库克森和拜内克终于找到了制造商, so they no longer had to build their machines by h和. That allowed them to ink their first contract with Staples to be in 82 stores.

“One of the reasons this works so well for Staples is that it drives traffic into their stores,库克森说. “这是一项你必须亲自去的服务. 人们走进商店, 使用服务, 拥有出色的客户体验, 他们一边购物一边等手机.”

仅仅两个月后,斯台普斯又打来电话. Their service was so successful the big box store wanted to exp和 to 600 stores across the country. They are now in the process of building 500 additional machines.

As technology improves, new phones are hitting the market claiming to be water resistant. The co-founders of TekDry don’t see this as a threat to their company.

“We fix phones all the time that have gone through scenarios that would not have been protected by the limited water resistance that is offered,库克森说. “There are 7 billion phone h和sets already on the planet. We don’t need to service but a tiny fraction of that to wildly exceed our financial goals.”

While it would be difficult for Cookson 和 Beinecke to be where they are today without their engineering backgrounds, Beinecke says the same thing can be said about what they learned at DU’s executive MBA program. “我们从杜拉大学聘请了大学毕业生和实习生, 我们通过DU认识了很多投资人, we’ve made some of our first store partners through DU, 和 we continue to find more ways to use the network from the University.”

在一起, Cookson 和 Beinecke continue to find ways to improve their product 和 their service — making it smaller, 更实惠,更快捷. Currently, it takes about 30 minutes to save a phone or smaller electronic device. 笔记本电脑通常需要更长的时间. 保存一个关键芯片或翻盖手机需要花费39美元.99, while saving a cell phone 和 other wearable electronics costs $69.99. 拯救一台笔记本电脑需要99美元.99. Customers only pay if the rescue works 和 everything operates as it did before getting wet. Never plugging in a wet device 和 brining it in for service quickly are the two best ways to help ensure a successful rescue using TekDry.

To find a location near you that has a TekDry machine, 点击这里.