
Game On: Computer 科学 Senior Looks Toward the Future




肯德尔Weistroffer to continue master’s education at DU

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As a high school senior in Highl和s Ranch, 肯德尔Weistroffer had a love for video games. So it was only natural that when she came to the 正规赌博十大平台排行, she’d major in something that reflected that interest.

Now, as a college senior about to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in computer science 从 里奇工程与计算机科学学院, Weistroffer is looking toward the future 和 continuing her master’s studies in the same field.

“I think it’s clear that DU is working to grow its engineering 和 computer science program. It’s been really cool to see the new computer science classes that I’ve been able to take, as well as know that I can do well in them as a result of all of the education I’ve had up to this point. I’ve definitely grown with the program,” Weistroffer says.

She admits, however, that it wasn’t easy in the beginning. 作为大一新生, Weistroffer questioned whether computer science was the right major 和 started looking into other options. Fortunately, she says, two computer science professors — Catherine Durso 和 Susanne Sherba 对她的教育产生了很大的影响, giving Weistroffer the motivation 和 help she needed to stick with the program.

“I was kind of on the edge of if I wanted to continue with the program or not. I had two incredible teachers that really helped me, worked with me 和 made me feel like I could succeed,她说。. “我当时想。, ‘I’ll give it another quarter 和 see how it works out,我在他们的课上表现得很好. 我对自己的选择很满意.”

Weistroffer says that Durso 和 Sherba made it easier by breaking down the course material 和 working with her outside of class, which made her feel welcomed 和 encouraged to stay in the program.

Fast forward three years 和 Weistroffer has flourished. She recently collaborated on an independent study with Associate Professor 克里斯GauthierDickey 从 计算机科学系 副教授 纱丽Havis 从 犹太研究中心. The trio worked on a video game designed to help DU students studying Hebrew improve their language skills. Weistroffer, 他会说一些希伯来语, came up with the concept of the game — called Complete — 和 built it 从 ground up.

至于她的未来, Weistroffer plans to stay at DU for at least another year to complete her master’s. She’s currently taking master’s courses as part of a 4+1 program. After that, she’s hoping her DU education will l和 her a job that makes her happy.

“I hope that it will take me to a job I enjoy doing. Something I’m really looking for in a job is a place where I can continue to learn even after graduation,她说。. “我对软件工程很感兴趣, 和 from my experience in this area you definitely have to keep up with all the new technologies 和 the changes that are being made to the computer science realm.”

给想要寻求建议的正规赌博十大平台排行新生, Weistroffer says it’s pretty simple: Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“I know I definitely grew when I started asking for help. At first, I was really intimidated by everyone around me. Everyone seemed to know what they were doing 和 what they wanted,她说。. “Just asking for help 和 getting that guidance really helped solidify my choice 和 major. (教授们)是来帮忙的. They don’t want you to do poorly — they want you to succeed.”

To learn more about spring Commencement, please visit the Commencement website.
