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University of Denver

Students realizing importance of on-the-job training as number of applications rises

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Melissa Shambach意识到实习的重要性. But for many students like her, it is nearly impossible to take advantage of unless it is paid. Fortunately for Shambach — a freshman majoring in international studies at the University of Denver — she is one of 13 DU students who were awarded a Career Center Summer Internship Award.

Each student was awarded $2,500, which allows them to pursue an unpaid summer internship without worrying about daily expenses. For Shambach, it’s important to gain as much experience as possible in her field. She is one of four students to receive new internship funding from the Deneberg family, 哪些专门资助学生出国实习.

Melissa Shambach
Melissa Shambach

“I would absolutely not have been able to do an unpaid internship without this award. The price of college weighs pretty hard on my family and I could not justify dedicating my time to an unpaid internship rather than working all summer,” said Shambach, 谁将在维也纳完成为期10周的实习 Austrian Baptist Aid. “Internships are invaluable at providing undergraduates with work experience in their aspired field. 它们还能帮助学生了解雇主需要哪些技能, and show them where they have room to grow and develop before they are ready to start working in the real world.”

As part of her internship, 沙姆巴赫将致力于与叙利亚的融合和倡导, Iraqi, 在奥地利的阿富汗和伊朗难民和寻求庇护者.

根据丽贝卡·达马斯的说法 University Career Center, DU students who complete at least one internship increase their chances of finding a good job — one that pays $6,000–$10,与没有完成实习的学生相比,他们每年要多出5000美元. 学生们似乎意识到了职场培训的价值. Typically, said Damas, her office receives 20 to 30 internship applications; this year the center received 50 applications.

“Fifty percent of employers expect that students have more than one internship. 对于那些无法做出经济牺牲的学生, 这可能意味着你失去了在自己的领域获得经验的巨大机会,” Damas said. “These awards help students otherwise unable to accept unpaid opportunities to gain that critical professional experience in their field.”

Drew Carey
Drew Carey

For Drew Carey, 战略传播专业大三学生, the internship is an opportunity to get his foot in the door at one of his dream companies. 他将作为互动营销实习生在一家名为 The Orchard in New York City.

“Internships are important for students because [they allow] for a preview of possible job paths in the future, 以及无法在课堂上复制的真实经验,” Carey said. “This award has allowed me to be financially able to intern with [The Orchard] in New York City, 追求这个梦想,并有希望在未来追随它.”




Here is a complete list of the 2017 Career Center Summer Internship Award recipients:

安德鲁·凯里(下级,战略传播)- Carey’s internship is at The Orchard, a media, film and music distribution company In New York City. He’ll work with a team on a release-by-release basis developing social media roll outs, 营销活动和网络艺人/厂牌代理. 

Claire Caviglia(酒店管理专业大二学生)- Caviglia will intern with the General Consulate of the United States in Shanghai. Her security clearance has yet to be processed, meaning her job duties have yet to be assigned. But based on information from past interns, she expects to help out with securing visas.

Lexus Girard (freshman, finance) — 吉拉德将在南榜市的联合国南榜大学实习, Indonesia, where she will collaborate with students to develop long-term business plans for local residents. Additionally, she’ll work in a local high school guiding students who aspire to work in business and help them create post-high school plans.

Carrie Hicks (freshman, biology with minors in political science and Spanish) — Hicks will intern at the University of New Mexico with the curator for the Museum of Southwestern Biology. 她将与一个小团队合作,捕捉并解剖鼩鼱(类似鼹鼠的哺乳动物)。, 然后准备将它们储存在博物馆里. She’ll also work to find connections between the animals through the parallels in their genomes.

Dakota Hodgin (junior, history) — Hodgin will intern at the Denver Botanic Gardens performing archival research.

克洛伊·金(大三,分子生物学)- King will spend her summer at MicroTek Industries as a molecular biomedical researcher. She’ll work in the laboratory at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver developing her own research project that will contribute to the biomedical therapeutic efficacy in cell cultures of different disease pathways and develop pharmaceutical biotechnology designed to repair damaged organs or tissues.

Benjamin McAllister (junior, international studies with minors in Spanish and socio-legal studies) — 麦卡利斯特将在威斯康辛州刑事调查部门实习. He will assist special agents with a variety of duties related to investigations, 包括观察和协助搜查令的执行, surveillance operations, 刑事情报收集和记录审查.

玛丽亚·里奥斯-戈麦斯(新生,生物和法语)- 里奥斯-戈麦斯将在秘鲁的马克西莫尼维尔完成医学实习. 她的工作可能包括协助身体检查, processing laboratory tests, aiding in family planning services, 设备的准备和消毒, 整理病人的医疗档案.

Sarah Rowse(大三学生,国际研究和地理)- 罗斯将在丹佛的“打击人口贩运实验室”实习. She will work with the research and training director to focus on project design, data analysis and independent research to support the organization’s overall programmatic goals.

Melissa Shambach(新生,国际研究和历史)- 沙姆巴赫将在维也纳的奥地利浸信会援助组织实习. 她将致力于与叙利亚的融合和宣传工作, Iraqi, 在奥地利的阿富汗和伊朗难民和寻求庇护者.

玛丽·斯托兹(大二,国际研究和西班牙语)- 斯托兹将在丹佛的落基山受害者法律中心实习. As the only non-law school intern, 她将以各种身份协助执行主任办公室, 包括为中心策划和组织一次筹款活动. Storz will also receive training in organizing structures and tasks that are essential in running a nonprofit.

Della Turque-Henneberger (junior, 国际研究(卫生与发展专业)- Turque-Henneberger将在Shadhika项目实习, 这是一家致力于解决印度性别不平等问题的非营利组织. 她将协助外联捐助者, 确定丰富的教育材料, 为活动征集实物捐赠, 并协助筹款活动的策划和执行.

雅典娜威尔金森(大二,音乐录音和制作)- 威尔金森将在科罗拉多州常青的Evergroove录音室实习. 她的实习重点将放在音频的工程方面, 包括音频编辑和混音, 协助生产和工程, analyzing, 研究组织设备, and restoring data. 威尔金森还将学习网页设计和推广.