
About Us

与教育学院学生协会(COESA)合作, 莫格里奇教育学院(MCE)院长凯伦·莱利(Karen Riley)承诺为所有即将正规赌博十大平台排行和在读的MCE学生提供一本电子书 如何成为一名反种族主义者 by Ibram X. 肯迪,促进反思、对话和反种族主义行动. MCE Faculty and Staff started reading the book this summer. 今年秋天(2020年),我们都将参加一个跨学院, 动作读书会(ABC) throughout the Morgridge College of Education, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, and the Graduate School of Social Work.  

本ABC的目的是提出围绕权力的系统性问题, privilege, and oppression to the forefront and to invite interdisciplinary community-building to address current issues. 

DU Campus

动作读书会 Survey is NOW OPEN!

你的反馈是 voluntary and 保密. Our team will not be requesting and collecting any identifying or personal information, 但调查为你提供了几个继续参与的机会



Join Us!

The key objectives of participating in the 动作读书会 are to support DU community members to:   

  • name the language of racism and its oppressive structures,   

  • critically discuss difficult topics and issues within a safe and intimate environment,   

  • analyze our personal and shared social impact in perpetuating and/or mitigating systemic oppression, and   

  • collaboratively develop and being to implement antiracist action steps to address these issues. 


同时,我们也欢迎并鼓励所有学生加入官方ABC, we recognize the necessity of smaller safe spaces with friends when having challenging conversations. 我们还鼓励您在我们的DU社区中主持或加入非正式的ABC, scheduled directly with colleagues, to discuss the weekly ABC prompts.  


How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi


  • Week 1
    Welcome to the 动作读书会 (ABC) Community!

    This week our book clubs will be reading two chapters, Chapter X: My Racist Introduction and 第一章:定义, launching group discussions around racial identity, and reflecting on how we define antiracist communities.

    对于我们的ABC主持人来说,这是一个为你的会议建立初步基本规则和了解你的参与者的好时机! 请参考ABC网站,查看由DU对话准备的引导者培训视频以及其他资源和活动.  





    Cultural Competency Self-Assessment Checklist


  • Week 2
    Welcome to Week 2 of the 动作读书会 (ABC) Community!

    This week our book clubs will be reading two chapters, Chapter 2: Dueling Consciousness and Chapter 3: Power. 在第二章, Kendi定义了同化主义者, 种族隔离主义者, 和向gabrielsson求过婚, explains dueling consciousness, 并提供了“一种免费的方式”.在第三章, Kendi继续讨论种族和权力之间的关系, and the “the self-interest of racist power.”






  • Week 3
    Welcome to Week 3 of the 动作读书会 (ABC) Community! 

    This week our book clubs will be reading two chapters:

    • Chapter 4: Biology--Kendi defines biological racist and anti-racist and expands on 种族隔离主义者 and assimilationist approaches.
    • 第5章:民族——肯迪对民族种族主义和民族反种族主义进行了界定,并讨论了“反种族主义就是挑战种族主义政策”的问题. 64). 

    Some of our book clubs may still be discussing last week’s content (Chapter 2, Dueling Consciousness & 第三章,权力). Please do not worry if you are late to start each week, or if your group discussions span over more than one week or meeting – lean into your process. 

    从本周开始, we will be including a weekly “highlight” that calls out systemic racism and how it is currently being addressed.  

    第三周亮点科罗拉多州众议院19-1194号法案涉及学前班到2年级学生的纪律问题nd grade enrolled in publicly funded education programs. You can read the bill content here (http://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb19-1194),并在科罗拉多儿童(Colorado Kids)准备的一页纸中了解学生如何不成比例地受到退学和停学的影响(http://www.coloradokids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/HB-19-1194-EC-School-Removal-One-Pager-v6-1.pdf).

    Message from ABC Curriculum Committee



  • Week 4
    Welcome to Week 4 of the 动作读书会 (ABC) Community!

    这周我们的读书俱乐部将会读一章,第六章:身体. 在本章中, Kendi defines “bodily racist” and “bodily antiracist” and contrasts racist 和向gabrielsson求过婚 policy discussions and policies, calling out the “violence of racism...that fears the Black body” and calling for the “nonviolence of antiracism that does not fear the Black body, that fears, 如果说黑人身上的种族主义暴力有什么区别的话.” (p. 80). 

    这一章出现在这本书和你的读书俱乐部旅程的三分之一处. 专注于一章是为了让你有时间深入研究:花点时间在你的读书俱乐部和当前当地的背景下反思你自己的身体, state, and national antiracist movements and efforts. Take time to check in with your group.

    我们的一些读书俱乐部可能还在讨论上周的内容(第4章), Biology; Chapter 5, Ethnicity). Please do not worry if you are late to start each week, or if your group discussions span over more than one week or meeting – lean into your process.

    第四周的亮点:打电话 out systemic racism and how it is currently being addressed

    Would you prefer to be accepted, or loved? In a recent episode of her podcast, “解开我们”, Brene Brown interviews Sonya Renee Taylor, 本书作者 The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self Love. 泰勒认为接受是被动的,爱是主动的, able to destroy and disrupt the systems in our society that scream to us that we are not enough. We are situated in a hierarchy that tells us some bodies possess more value than other bodies. In this way, Taylor connects body love with social justice, and body shame with oppression, racism, violence against black and brown bodies. 我们邀请你来倾听和学习正规赌博十大平台排行自爱的革命性实践.

    Brene Brown和Sonya Renee Taylor的播客:身体不是道歉


    Welcome & 一般的指导



  • Week 5
    Welcome to Week 5 of the 动作读书会 (ABC) Community!

    本周我们的读书俱乐部将阅读第七章(文化)和第八章(行为). In chapter 7, Kendi defines and distinguishes between a cultural racist and a cultural antiracist. He asserts that to be antiracist is to see all cultures in all their differences as on the same level, as equals. “The idea that Black languages outside Africa are broken is as culturally racist as the idea that languages inside Europe are fixed”. (p.83).  在第8章, Kendi emphasizes that what exists today is an opportunity gap rather than an achievement gap. “What if we measured intelligence by how knowledgeable individuals are about their own environment? 如果我们用一个人求知欲来衡量智力呢? 如果我们意识到确保一个有效的教育体系的最好方法不是标准化我们的课程和考试,而是标准化所有学生可以获得的机会,那会怎么样?”? (p.103).

    对于那些读书俱乐部还没有读过我们书的这一部分的人, please know the joy is in the journey. Learning to interrogate and dismantle our internal racism takes critical reflection and work. We encourage you to continue the dialogue, with the context of our current climate in mind.


    Interested in ideas for advancing equity in schools? In this episode of the podcast, Cult of Pedagogy, host Jennifer Gonzalez talks with Professor 佩德罗Noguero 谁分享了“教育工作者可以采取行动追求教育公平的10种方式?.在这里找到播客: http://www.cultofpedagogy.com/10-equity/  In 如何成为一名反种族主义者, Professor Kendi argues for equity in funding education, i.e. 资助学校的方式要能让所有学生都取得学业上的成功. 大约七年前,加州改变了资助学校的方式, adopting a formula that provides more funds to support students with the greatest need (among other changes). 由加州大学洛杉矶分校诺盖罗教授创立的学校转型中心, http://transformschools.ucla.edu/, presents case studies of three school districts, their implementation of the new funding formula, 以及学生的初步成果. 


    Welcome & 一般的指导



  • Week 6
    Welcome to Week 6 of the 动作读书会 (ABC) Community!

    从这周开始, 我们想对我们的每一位观众今年所平衡和忍受的一切表示广泛的感谢和赞赏. 我们中的许多人每天都要承担很多责任, 我们赞赏你们在这个充满挑战的时期管理和发展.

    本周我们的读书俱乐部将阅读第九章(彩色)和第十章(白色). 在第九章, Kendi定义并区分了肤色歧视和肤色反种族主义, 并呼吁我们的社会反思被广泛接受的审美标准.

    “To be antiracist is to diversity our standards of beauty like our standards of culture or intelligence, to see beauty equally in all skin colors, 宽而细的鼻子, 卷曲的直发, 浅色和深色的眼睛. To be antiracist is to build and live in a beauty culture that accentuates instead of erases our natural beauty.” (p. 114)

    第十章, Kendi defines and dives into anti-White racism while sharing his experience of the 2000 election. 他讲述了自己的过程, 以幻灭和愤怒回应选举结果, and transitions to the need for differentiating between White populations and racist ideology and politics. 他认为,虽然白人受益于种族主义政策, “we must discern the difference between racist power (racist policymakers) and White people” (p .129页),因为种族主义势力操纵白人“通过反复强调他们在平等政策中失去了什么,以及这些平等政策是如何反白人的,从而抵制平等政策”. 130).

    读者在阅读第10章时可能想要记住一个广泛的问题: How does Kendi’s description and experience of the 2000 election compare to your narrative and experience of this year’s election?

    Week 6 Highlight: Upcoming Event “Educated Choice”

    Do you get your blue ballot book in the mail? A better question perhaps would be have you had time read it from front to back yetDo you have questions about items or people on the ballot?

    The ABC Curriculum Team is excited to share that member Klaudia这本书 和同学 布鲁克Hafner (both are 2nd 教育领导与政策研究博士研究生.k.a. ELPS program) will be hosting a 科罗拉多州2020年投票措施的Facebook现场讨论 这个周末!

    克劳迪娅的重点是为LGBTQ个人提供公平的包容政策, and Brooke’s focus is on access and equity within literacy. This collaboration spawned from their shared activist mindset and awareness that when people know better they do better. We are mothers, educators, and disruptors. Our positionality and intersectionality require us to stand in the gap and promote well-informed decision-making.

    With so much at stake this year, we hope to empower all those who vote in Colorado to make informed choices on each ballot measure. Everyone is welcome; this space is reserved for respectful dialogue and learning.

    http://scontent-den4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/120928173_10158682636003637_2490994186860540558_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid = 730 e14灯头&_nc_ohc = OfxreX7U1U8AX_UPgJt&_nc_ht = scontent-den4-1.xx&oh=c6e6cbf37fedd213ee52779514e6aaf7&oe=5FAFCB80


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  • Week 7
    Week 7 Message from the ABC Curriculum Committee

    Undoubtedly, we are each coming to the table this week with some feelings regarding the tenor of society related to the upcoming election. 我们观察到人们逐渐变成最好和最坏的自己. As you navigate the content this week, 我们鼓励你们每个人思考我们如何能够从中学习并做得更好. 加入abc是采取反种族主义行动的第一步. How might we extend our learning into our own community, to hold ourselves and others accountable? How are we using our voice and our vote to advocate for antiracist policies and actions? We encourage sharing these explicit antiracist efforts and actions within your ABC this week; we’d love to hear feedback about your own individual experience within the ABC and within your community as we progress through Kendi’s text.

    在第十一章, Kendi addresses the powerless defense, a logical fallacy that posits Black individuals cannot be racist because they don’t hold power in our society. He describes this racist construction as both an underestimation of Black people and an overestimation of White people. 贯穿整章, Kendi deconstructs his own duality, “When we stop denying the duality of racist 和向gabrielsson求过婚, 我们可以对我们所支持的种族观念和政策作出准确的说明.144). 将他自己的经历与黑人政策制定者和其他掌权的黑人的具体种族主义行为联系起来, Kendi urges his readers to resist, “不断产生种族主义思想,以限制人们抵抗的力量”(p . 391). 142).

    Kendi在第12章中介绍了两个重要的术语及其定义, in which he unpacks classist racism. 他将阶级种族主义者定义为, “One who is racializing the classes, 支持反对那些种族阶级的种族资本主义政策, 用种族主义的观点来为他们辩护". 他将反种族主义反资本主义定义为"反对种族资本主义的人". A love of capitalism can lead to a love of racism. Kendi将资本主义和种族主义的隐喻扩展为连体双胞胎,他们是,...作为他们的后代,挣扎着生存和繁荣——不平等, war, and climate change—threaten to kill them, 我们所有人, off” (p. 157). Kendi asserts the only way to dismantle class racism is to embrace antiracism and anticapitalism simultaneously.

    Week 7 Highlight: Antiracist Work in the World

    Throughout 如何成为一个反种族主义者,肯迪指的是反种族主义刑事司法改革的必要性. 乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀后的种族正义抗议, 艾哈迈德Arbery, 和Breonna Taylor focus on demands for criminal justice reform. This week’s highlight focuses on the work of two organizations, one national and one state.

    The national non-profit organization, 平等司法倡议, works for racial justice and criminal justice reform. 布莱恩·史蒂文森领导, public interest lawyer and author, EJI “is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.” Explore the work of the EJI on its website, in the book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption; the film 同名的. 

    在科罗拉多州, Colorado Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform 它是这样描述自己的:“有着不同经历和观点的科罗拉多人正在联合起来,结束大规模监禁的时代, racial disparity and a failed drug war. Through a new vision and an aggressive agenda, we’re advancing a broader debate and design of public health, safety and funding strategies through collective action.“联盟支持的一种方法是社区再投资, and a current pilot program is called Transforming Safety. “转变安全”是在北奥罗拉和东南科罗拉多斯普林斯的试点社区开展的公共安全社区发展方法.了解更多 here.


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  • Week 8
    Week 8 Message from the ABC Curriculum Committee

    在第8周的这个时候,你已经完成了ABC课程的三分之二. 这是检查点周. Kendi in Chapter 13: Space provides a powerful lens through which to view racism and antiracism. 太空种族主义,肯迪写道。, “危险的黑人社区的想法是最危险的种族主义想法. And it is powerfully misleading. ” (p. 168) Kendi continues with “ideas of space racism justify resource inequity though creating a racial hierarchy of space, lifting up White spaces as heaven, downgrading non-White spaces as hell.” (p. 169)

    Through the lens of antiracist strategy, take some time to reflect on your group, 正规赌博十大平台排行你的邻居, 在你的工作场所, on the state and national political arenas. Where do you see the racial hierarchy of space playing out? To what extent are you/we fusing “desegregation with a form of integration and racial solidarity” and championing resource equity? (p. 180)

    Week 8 Policy Highlight: Voter Suppression and Intimidation

    课程开发团队成员的目标是始终如一地将批判性和包容性的视角应用于每周提示和内容的开发, 并在这个系列的发展过程中融合我们的声音和观点. However, 我们承认,我们是不同的个体,在我们自己的学习旅程中,我们的目标是提高我们自己和我们周围的世界——我们是不完美的,我们仍在成长和发展. (Excerpt from the ABC Curriculum Introduction, 2020)

    This week our local and national communities are immersed in anxiety, tension, fear, and hope. 本周要闻, our committee aimed to provide resources, 在我们为选举周和选举结果做准备之际,给予我们支持和鼓励.


    In Colorado, a young queer woman who lives with her parents anticipates her first opportunity to vote. Her father intercepts her ballot, 然后递给她另一张纸,上面有一张重复他投票的清单. Her voice and vote is stripped away. This is just one example of voter suppression. Other more broad and detrimental acts of voter suppression, occurring across our country right now, include: premature deadlines for absentee ballots, requiring absentee ballots to be notarized, demanding specific forms of IDs for voting, 移除投票地点, moving polling sites to hostile locations, blatant efforts to dismantle the USPS.

    欲了解更多有关各州选民压制的信息,请访问: http://wevotewecount.org/stories.

    • Organizations fighting against voter suppression: ACLU, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 让美国投票, 常见原因, 妇女选民联盟, 分散选票, 选举的保护, Asian American Advancing Justice/Asian Law Caucus, Fairfight.com


    We hope that everyone in our community feels safe, supported and able to practice their voting rights this week. However, 我们知道选民恐吓策略在以前的选举中已经被应用和实践过,并且“历史上一直针对黑人社区”, 以非法手段阻止移民和有色人种社区行使宪法赋予他们的投票权”(南方贫困法律中心), 2020).

    So what do you do if you feel intimidated? 合法的投票监督和非法的恐吓之间的界限在哪里?



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  • Week 9

    “Through groups like the Black Women’s Alliance (1970) and the National Black Feminist Organization (1973), 通过黑人妇女在黑人权力和妇女解放组织中的核心会议, 黑人女权主义者在黑人空间与性别歧视作斗争,在女性空间与种族主义作斗争. They developed their own spaces, 以及黑人女性解放的黑人女权主义意识, for the liberation of humanity.” (pp. 186-17)

    This week our groups will be transitioning from reflecting on the spaces we occupy to exploring the overlaps of gender, sexuality, 第14章(性别)和第15章(性)中的交叉性和种族主义. 

    在第十四章中. Kendi shares with readers his reflections on how patriarchal assumptions were visible in his own family dynamics, 以及黑人女权主义者历来斗争的空间. 我们得到的结论是“成为真正的反种族主义者就是成为女权主义者”. To truly be feminist is to be antiracist. To be antiracist is to level the different race-genders, is to root the inequities between the equal race-genders in the policies of gender racism.” (p. 189)鼓励阅读小组讨论为什么让黑人妇女和黑人同性恋者的经历变得可见和可闻对我们每个人都很重要, 并讨论存在于性行为中的特权层次. 讨论一下你的小组成员如何对下面的陈述产生共鸣: A cisgendered white male holds power and levers of opportunity that exceed all other sexual identities across the spectrum                                                                                                                                                                                                      

    在第十五章中. 肯迪对自己的酷儿种族主义的挣扎是透明的. 他提醒我们,最理想的站姿是站在个人面前, thing, 或者强迫我们忍受不适,摆脱旧故事的观念, 种族主义的童年教育, and assumptions that perpetuate racism. As we observe the ‘Karens’ in society today, making blasphemous racist reports to the police and standing on lawns pointing guns at peaceful protestors, it is important to acknowledge the privilege and power of these “patriarchal women” (p.199).

    Week 9 Policy Highlight: Voting Access

    As the nation focuses on vote counts and outcomes, 考虑一下保护投票权和使所有人都能投票的工作. 投票权的问题. 肯迪写道:“种族主义投票政策已经从吉姆·克劳法剥夺选举权演变为大规模监禁和选民身份法剥夺公民权. Sometimes these efforts are so blatant that they are struck down: North Carolina enacted one of these targeted voter-ID laws, 但在2016年7月,第四巡回上诉法院将其推翻, ruling that is various provisions ‘target African Americans with almost surgical precision.’” (p.22). “确保每个美国人都能投票”是纽约大学布伦南中心的一个项目. 布伦南中心致力于“使投票自由、公平和容易”. 布伦南中心的改革正在使美国选举现代化, 从选民自动登记和保障选举安全措施入手. 我们反对限制投票的政策,这些政策使投票变得更加困难.” You can explore the Center’s work here: http://www.brennancenter.org/.

    不知道如何与学生、朋友、家人谈论选举? 虽然旨在支持教师在课堂上的工作,这个问题 教学宽容 offers practices and ideas that could also be useful when talking with friends and family: http://www.tolerance.org


    Referencing the Black Lives Matter movement, and sharing his own path to queer antiracism, Dr. Kendi断言,“如果我们是恐同者或恐变性者,我们就不可能是反种族主义的”(p . 39). 197).  黑人跨性别女性必须在“所有黑人的生命都很重要”反种族主义运动中得到保护. 到2020年,他们的平均预期寿命只有35岁. The Human Rights Campaign has tracked at least 34 targeted murders of Black trans women just this year (hrc.org). These facts necessitate inclusive antiracist action.

    对黑人跨性别女性所面临的现实有更深入真实的了解, we encourage you to watch “Disclosure”, 这部纪录片由拉弗恩·考克斯(Laverne Cox)和其他跨性别演员主演,他们揭露了那些为跨性别者在好莱坞的知名度和代表性铺平道路的人所面临的歪曲和酷儿种族主义的丑陋历史. 

    **免责声明:课程委员会在介绍该术语的历史背景之外,恭敬地反对作者使用“同性恋”一词. “同性恋”一词对许多酷儿群体来说是一个冒犯,因为它与错误信息和种族主义理想有关,这些理想集中在所谓的性欲亢进和基于宗教的批评上,这些批评将艾滋病毒主要归咎于男同性恋群体. 我们的行动将是与作者分享我们的调查立场,展开对话,增加对酷儿身份的理解.


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  • Week 10
    Week 10 of the 动作读书会! 

    第十六章: “Racial history does not repeat harmlessly. Instead, its devastation multiplies when generation after generation repeats the same failed strategies and solutions and ideologies, 而不是把过去的失败埋在过去几代人的棺材里.202). 值得注意的是,种族是一种权力结构,而不是一种社会结构. As he defines the term of “activist”, Kendi is clear in asserting that, “An activist produces power and policy change, 而不是精神上的改变”(p.209). 种族主义的失败在于策略和意识形态的失败, in the uplift suasion and inability to see that tools for success exist within oneself. 

    Chapter 17: 在第十七章中. Kendi describes a successful antiracist future, with antiracist power and policies in place, and equity among all racial groups. 在他理想中的未来,被边缘化的将是种族主义理想. This future, he understands, is one we must fight for and create through intentional antiracist work. “政策制定者和政策决定了社会和制度,而不是相反. The United States is a racist nation because it’s policymakers and policies have been racist from the beginning” (p. 223). Racism is both covert and overt; antiracism must be overt. 肯迪在他自己的生活中以一种专业的努力来揭示历史上的种族主义,一种个人的努力来揭示他自己的种族主义理想的历史. The work begins with us, in us. 

    第十周亮点:博士. 贝蒂娜爱 & 废奴主义者教学

    在他的书中. Kendi refers to injustices and inequality in education and the need for antiracist policies. In this highlight, we introduce the work of esteemed professor, researcher, and author, Dr. 贝蒂娜爱. Dr. 爱的“写作, research, teaching, and activism meet at the intersection of race, education, abolition, 和黑乐. Dr. Love is concerned with how educators working with parents and communities can build communal, 公民参与的学校根植于废奴主义教学,其目标是为公平的教室提供交叉社会正义,爱和肯定黑人和棕色人种的孩子.” Dr. Love articulates a powerful vision for educators fighting against racism in schools and offers tools for working against injustice.

    在她最近的一本书中, We Want to Do More than Survive: 废奴主义者教学 and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom, Dr. Love advances a vision of working for justice that is rooted in the activism and civic engagement practices of the abolitionists. To support educators in this work, she started the 废奴主义者教学 Network which includes a podcast called 教茁壮成长. 以前博士. Love developed the 嘻哈公民教育 curriculum: 嘻哈公民教育. As we think about school after the pandemic, Dr. 爱促使我们把学校和教学看作是重新开始的时候:

    We now have the opportunity not to just reimagine schooling or try to reform injustice but to start over. Starting over is hard but not impossible; we now have a skeleton of a playbook. 它从创造力、师生关系和教师自主权开始.


    Activism: Stand for Anti-Racist Curricula, Practices & Policies 2020年11月19日,星期四

    过去一年, national leading organizations many of us are aware of, involved with and affiliated with have joined the dialogue and battleground to address the “pandemic of racism” (APA, 2020), including:

    • 美国心理学会的主席和首席执行官传播了 action plan 解决不平等问题;
    • the Colorado Psychological Association that hosted several forums 美国的种族主义;
    • 以及美国教育研究协会(American Educational Research Association) statement in support of anti-racist education in September.

    This 2020年11月19日,星期四, over 2,000名学生, educators, and advocates will be joining the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) to demand investment in anti-racist curricula, policies, and practices in our educational institution.

    我们强烈建议你们每个人考虑将自己的名字加入 AESA行动日注册 and to utilize the drafted letter to communicate the anti-racist campus and community you envision for yourself, 你的同学, and for generations of students to come to the Office of Chancellor Jeremy Haefner (chancellor@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com) and the DU Board of Trustees (boardoftrustees@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com).



    Welcome & 一般的指导



  • Week 11
    闭幕词 from the ABC Curriculum Committee

    Congratulations on following through with your individual commitment to our 动作读书会. 在过去的11周里, you have showed up in a safe and vulnerable space, shed old layers and taken on brave new antiracist ideals. 在这些时刻,我们有很多值得庆祝的事情,因为我们已经与自己的种族主义作了斗争,并在我们的言论和行动中朝着反种族主义迈出了有意的步伐.

    既然我们有了头脑的知识,我们就可以把我们的心应用到反种族主义行动中. 在第十八章中. Kendi provides us with a frame for action moving forward:

    承认种族不平等是政策的问题,而不是坏人的问题. 识别种族不平等的所有交叉点和表现. 调查和揭露造成种族不平等的种族主义政策. 发明或发现可以消除种族不平等的反种族主义政策. 弄清楚谁或什么团体有权力制定反种族主义政策. Disseminate and educate about the uncovered racist policy and anti-racist policy correctives. 与富有同情心的反种族主义政策制定者合作,制定反种族主义政策. 运用反种族主义力量,迫使或驱逐不同情的种族主义政策制定者,以制定反种族主义政策. 密切监督,确保反种族主义政策减少和消除种族不平等. When policies fail, do not blame people. 重新开始,寻找新的、更有效的反种族主义治疗方法,直到它们奏效. 密切监测,防止制定新的种族主义政策.” (p. 232)

    We honor you and your own pace on this journey. 你是否是一个学习者, educator, advocate, ally, 政策培训, maker or shaker - we are so glad you exist. It is an honor to learn alongside each of you. We stand with you in solidarity as we expand our influence on campus and beyond to completely eradicate racism.

    Finally, we want to send a special thanks to 院长卡伦·莱利 for her ongoing support and leadership, and for ensuring Dr. 今年,所有MCE的学生、教师和工作人员都可以使用Kendi的书.

    We look forward to our continued work and collaboration with MCE leadership and to uniting our students and programs in the future.








谢谢加入 & 平等教育 & 杜对话!

A huge shout out to our friends in Inclusion & 公平教育(IEE), specifically the 杜对话 program, for collaborating with us on our facilitation materials! IEE provides students with information, skills, 以及跨越差异进行建设性接触的机会. The facilitation training video, 扩展的资源, 每周的技巧, and other parts of the process have been crafted or informed by our colleagues in IEE and 杜对话 (a program of IEE). Check out their social accounts:

Instagram: @du_dialogues

Facebook: @IEedDU



Thank you to DU Dialogues for creating our 动作读书会 Facilitator Training Video!



在这紧张的时刻,请照顾好自己和彼此. 学生可致电 DU Health and 咨询中心 at 303-871-2205 anytime to speak to an on-call counselor. All degree-seeking students also have free, 24/7 access to tele-mental health support through DU’s My SSP: Student Support Program online, via telephone at 1-866-743-7732, or can 下载手机应用

COVID-19 Resources for Minoritized Communities

Knowing that COVID-19 has disproportionately and deeply affected communities of color and other minoritized communities, we have created a resource list of campus support for your reference as our community navigates our re-opening in the coming months.

View Here

多元化办公室, Equity, and Inclusion

多元化办公室, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) is committed to providing leadership, guidance, and resources in support of the 正规赌博十大平台排行’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive institution. 在这里你可以找到种族正义声明和其他学习资源.

View Here



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