
The 正规赌博十大平台排行 hosts hundreds of events each year, 和 it's our responsibility to ensure those events are conducted safely. Whether this is your first time planning an event or your twentieth, we'll provide you with the information 和 support you need to identify all the necessary steps 和 the resources available to help you execute a successful event.


What activities require risk assessment?

If your event involves any of the following you should contact 企业风险管理 (ERM) for a risk assessment:

  • On-campus large scale event (Homecoming, May Days, 等.)
  • Off-campus large scale event involving outside entities (Race/Case, conferences in which DU is the host; third-party graduation ceremonies, 电影放映, 等.)
  • Event requires hiring a third-party event production company using large-scale lights, 音响或电气设备
  • VIP speakers or others which may require additional security or media attention
  • Organized sporting activities (ropes courses, 滑雪, 充气设备, 激流漂流, 航行, 等.)
  • Summer camps involving overnight visits
  • Academic 项目 involving international travel

ERM does not need to review events if all the following criteria are met:

  1. 这个活动是在校园里举行的
  2. Attendees are DU faculty, staff 和 students
  3. You are using Sodexo, HRTM or Phipps for 餐饮
  4. There is no planned organized physical activity
  5. If you are using a 3rd party caterer/vendor 和 they're providing the required insurance. 看到 保险标准条款 & 条件 了解更多信息.

加快你的风险评估, 总是对谁有答案, 什么, 当, 在哪里, 以及如何联系ERM. When planning an event consider the risks associated with your event 和 how to best mitigate those risks. This will help ERM determine the risk exposure associated with your event.

Remember it is ERM’s responsibility to protect the human 和 physical assets of the University. Some events/activities may not be approved if they have the potential for adverse effects that cannot be mitigated through loss control efforts.


  • 供应商

    Whenever you are working with a third party for services (rentals, 餐饮, 酒店, transportation) always request a Certificate of 保险 using the 第三方COI请求表格 基于 保险标准条款 & 条件.

  • 快餐车

    When inviting food trucks or similar vendors to campus, please remember the University requires the vendor to have proof of insurance including:

    1. General Liability ($1m/$2m) naming DU as an additional insured
    2. 汽车(约合1美元)
    3. Workers' Comp coverage of $1m or statutory limits, if the vendor has any employees
    4. 有效的营业执照
    5. Meeting or exceeding local health regulations: Obtain a copy of the vendor's last health inspection report before contracting with the vendor

    If the food truck is involved in 和 collecting money as part of a fundraiser, 我们可能需要额外的保险.

    If a truck/vendor will be parking on campus, please remember to coordinate with 校园安全 for parking on the sidewalks/fire lanes, 和 with 停车服务 if parking in lots around campus.

    If an open flame is involved, you will need a fire permit. 联系 杰夫•辛普森 with 校园安全 in these situations.

    Coordination with Facilities 和 Custodial may also be required if the event is large 和 trash, water or other services will be needed.

    希腊的生活: All of these requirements apply if the food truck will be on campus or at any house owned by the University.

    General rules 和 good practices include:

    • Glass containers should not be used/sold
    • 供应商 must store 和 dispose of the waste they generate
      • 例如, 煎锅里的油, 烤架上的油脂, 生产中使用的食物垃圾, 清洗和漂洗用水
    • Vehicles should be in good working order
      • 例如, no oil, transmission, radiator or similar leaks
    • Clean-up can 和 will be charged to the vendors or the sponsoring group by Facilities, 停车服务, 校园安全, 和/或ERM
    • 快餐车 should be responsible for clean-up of the area around the truck. If they do not, the responsibility will fall to the sponsoring group.
