约翰·埃文斯报告 & 建议

一个半世纪过去了, as an educational community that has inherited Evans’s positive legacies along with his deadly decisions, 我们有机会诚实地面对这段历史. 我们不可能像过去那样,用健忘症来庆祝这位创始人, but we can see him—和 perhaps ourselves—more accurately situated in the complexity of 历史."

——约翰·埃文斯研究委员会,11月. 2014 (95)



In 2013, a group of 11 DU 教师 members organized the 正规赌博十大平台排行 John Evans Study Committee 和 conducted an independent inquiry regarding Evans' role in the S和 Creek Massacre. 2014年,该委员会发布了报告. 这项研究对了解正规赌博十大平台排行的历史至关重要.





“除了几个明显的例外, 印第安人的人口和文化一直被高等教育所忽视. 印第安学生正规赌博十大平台排行, 聘用教职员工, 以及课程和对文化习俗的理解, 在学术界的代表性不足或被忽视... 正规赌博十大平台排行的情况也是如此, 但由于该大学的历史,它具有特殊的意义.” –Strategic 建议 of the 正规赌博十大平台排行 Task Force on Native American Inclusivity




“随着这份报告的完成, the 正规赌博十大平台排行 is presented with an opportunity to reflect on our institutional origins, 历史, 和遗留. 我们有机会提供一个透明的模式, 问责制, 和 transformation for institutions that have directly profited or indirectly benefited from the displacement of the indigenous communities whose l和s 和 histories they occupy. -- 正规赌博十大平台排行约翰·埃文斯委员会的建议



2014年正规赌博十大平台排行治愈与和解的建议 & 2016

  • 讲真话与公众对话


    • 出版(印刷和在线)并在学生中广泛传播委员会报告, 工作人员, 校友, 教师, 受托人, 以及普通大众.
    • 创建一个正式的协议备忘录,执行一个正式的, mutually-understood relationship between the 正规赌博十大平台排行 和 the Sovereign Nations of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of 蒙大拿, 怀俄明的北阿拉帕霍部落, 以及俄克拉何马州的夏安部落和阿拉帕霍部落.
    • 赞助商开放, 便利的公众论坛, 在校内外, 允许有兴趣的团体回应, 批判, 讨论报告.
    • 更新官方DU历史,以适应报告的主要发现.
  • 纪念和纪念


    • 鼓励全校参与, 以及对, the Sesquicentennial S和 Creek Healing Run 和 regularize institutional support for future years.
    • 在校历上创建另一个“纪念日”, 在学校上课期间受观察.
    • Consult with Cheyenne 和 Arapaho descendants on the nature 和 form of a permanent campus memorial that commemorates the conjoined histories of S和 Creek 和 DU 和 acknowledges DU’s existence on native l和. The memorial could have permanence in space (a dedicated physical location) or time (the Day of Remembrance).
    • Establish an annual lecture or exhibition associated with the Day of Remembrance by a prominent Native American scholar, 作家, 或艺术家.
    • Provide a one-line statement on all official DU letterhead for all academic units at the bottom of the page where all other locational information is provided that acknowledges DU’s presence on native l和.
    • Incorporate the narrative of DU’s presence on native l和 in all official events (New student orientations, 会的, 一年级研讨会晚宴, 等.)
    • 创建讨论校园建筑更名的论坛, 职位, 和奖励, 在合适的地方,不抹去历史.

    From the Strategic 建议 of the Task Force on Native American Inclusivity (2016)

    • 与怀俄明州的夏安部落和阿拉帕霍部落建立谅解备忘录, 蒙大拿, 和俄克拉荷马州.
    • 创建与DU相关的教育模块和科罗拉多州的历史.
    • 有一个正规赌博十大平台排行约翰·埃文的名字和图像的社区对话,因为它与DU有关.
    • Participate in the yearly S和 Creek Massacre commemoration activities including the annual Spiritual Healing Run as well as find permanent funding support for the annual pow wow.
    • Create a S和 Creek Massacre Memorial Site on the DU campus 和 support efforts 和 fundraising for a permanent memorial at the Colorado State Capitol remembering S和 Creek.
  • 课程、教学法和教育推广


    • Create a Native American Studies Center 和 establish a Native American Studies major/minor.
    • Exp和 internship 和 service-learning opportunities for all students to connect with agencies serving Native American interests in the Denver community.
    • 制作学习材料, 研讨会, 和 a support system for DU 教师 和 工作人员 who want to teach about the S和 Creek Massacre 和/or incorporate this 历史 into their courses.
    • Create 和 regularly sponsor an on-campus Summer Teacher Institute for Colorado middle 和 high school teachers, 由DU和部落学者和代表管理, to develop curriculum materials for teaching about the S和 Creek Massacre 和 other topics related to Native American 历史.

    From the Strategic 建议 of the Task Force on Native American Inclusivity (2016)

    • Integrate Native American topics 和 themes into existing course work 和 develop new courses that address Native American culture, 历史, 灵性, 文学, 和经验.
    • Encourage undergraduate 和 graduate students to take Native American focused classes for credit in their departments.
    • Develop a Native American Studies BA Minor with the eventual goal of establishing a BA Major.
    • 增加雇用全职、终身/终身教职的本土教师.
    • Create new collaborative relationships 和 opportunities with other Colorado research institutions 和 organizations that focus on Native American studies.
  • 招聘和保留


    • 增加对所有印第安学生的经济援助.
    • 建立健全的奖学金和支持计划.g.,15 scholarships) for recruiting 和 retaining Native American undergraduate 和 graduate students, 包括专门为夏安族和阿拉帕霍族学生提供的奖学金.
    • 通过法律建立诊所, 业务, 以及其他支持美国原住民学生的专业学校.
    • Establish endowed professorships 和 postdoctoral research opportunities for Native American scholars through the university’s Interdisciplinary Research Incubator for the Study of (In)Equality (IRISE) 和/or some other DU entity.
    • Target the recruiting of Native American 教师 和 工作人员 in all academic units 和 plan to add at least six new 教师 职位 for indigenous scholars within the next five years.
    • Develop partnerships, consortia, 和 教师/ student exchange relationships with tribal colleges.
    • Create professional development opportunities for Native American educators through our Morgridge College of Education 和 other units, including the opportunity for Native educators to enroll in a certain number of DU courses (including University College 和 CWC courses) free of charge.

    From the Strategic 建议 of the Task Force on Native American Inclusivity (2016)

    • 增加招聘, 招生, 和 持久性 of Native American graduate 和 undergraduate students 和 provide additional merit funding.
    • 创建一个全职的部落联络员和项目官员职位.
    • 建立招聘的基线历史数据库, 正规赌博十大平台排行, 验收, 正规赌博十大平台排行考试, 持久性, 以及杜克大学印第安学生的毕业率.
    • 加强现有的和建立新的与当地的关系和伙伴关系, 区域, 以及全国性的土著和土著服务组织,以更好地为DU土著学生服务.
    • Create a more welcoming 和 supportive campus climate for Native American students by developing specific cultural competency training for all 工作人员 和 教师.


“它是通过叙事, 通过讲故事, 通过成为历史的一部分, 通过真正努力说出真相,揭开过去的神秘面纱, 来对抗美国正规赌博十大平台排行原住民的神话."

Ramona Beltran,社会工作研究生院助理教授