
联邦珀金斯贷款计划是一项由联邦政府担保的基于需求的贷款. 珀金斯贷款必须用于在正规赌博十大平台排行就读期间的教育费用. 的se expenses may include tuition, fees, books, room & board 和 transportation.

重要提示:根据联邦法律,学校发放新珀金斯贷款的权力于9月6日到期. 截止到2018年6月30日. As a result, students can no longer receive 帕金斯贷款. 

正规赌博十大平台排行是借款者帕金斯本票的持有者. 的 borrower must report any change of name, address, telephone number, 社会安全号码或学校注册状态到学生计费办公室.

条款 & 条件

  • 取消

    A borrower may have all or part of his or her loan (including interest) canceled for engaging in public service such as: teaching; service in a Head Start program; service in the Peace Corps or ACTION; service in the military; or law enforcement or as a corrections officer. 在借款人死亡的情况下,也可取消贷款, 完全和永久残疾,或在特殊情况下破产. 取消 provisions vary, depending on whether the borrower has a Federal Perkins, 直接, or Defense loan. 以下程序适用于任何珀金斯贷款取消请求:

    • 借款人必须向银行索取有关的取消贷款表格,以申请取消贷款 Office of Student Billing at the University of Denver.
    • 该表格必须在申请后30天内提交给学校.
    • 借款人必须提供学校要求的任何文件,以证明他或她有资格被取消. For additional information, the borrower may contact the Bursar's Office.
  • Credit Bureau Reporting


  • 默认的

    如果借款人未能偿还贷款,他或她将处于违约状态. 任何违约将反映在借款人的信用局记录至少七年. 拖欠贷款的催收可以交由外部催收机构或联邦政府处理, 这些单位可以依法行使其权利. 这可能会给借款人带来额外的催收和法律费用.

  • 延期

    A borrower is entitled to have the repayment of a loan 递延 under certain circumstances. A 延期 借款人无须偿还贷款的一段时间内,是否不会产生本息. 1993年7月1日以前发放的贷款在困难条件延期期间确实要产生利息.

    Borrowers must apply for a 延期 in writing. 的y may do so by contacting the University's Office of Student Billing or accessing the form [link to 延期 form pdf]. 的 form must be submitted to DU, with the appropriate documentation, by the date established by the school.

    借款人必须提交一份表格,至少一年一次,只要延期推定有效. 借款人必须立即向大学报告延期状态的任何变化.

  • 延期 Privileges

    借款人可以通过提交表格来延迟偿还贷款, properly completed 和 certified, for any of the following reasons (subject to approval): Student; Military; Peace Corps or VISTA; Public Health Service; Volunteer Service in a Tax Exempt Organization; Temporary Disability; Internships; Economic Hardship; Forbearance; Hardship; Mother with Preschool-Age Children; or Parental or Maternity Leave.


  • 宽限期

    从毕业或终止至少半学期的正规赌博十大平台排行到开始还款的时间间隔称为 宽限期. 的 宽限期 对于1987年1月1日以后发放的贷款,包括连续九(9)个月.

    在此期间,不需要还款,也不会产生利息. 然而, the borrower is encouraged, at his or her option 和 without penalty, to make a pre-payment during this period of time. 的re is no pre-payment penalty.

  • 利率


  • Loan Consolidation

    If the borrower has student loans from one or more lenders, 然后,借款人可以通过合并贷款来减少他或她的付款或延长还款期限. To qualify for consolidation the borrower must:

    • Have left school. Only the Federal/National 直接, SLS, 工作人员ord (both subsidized 和 subsidized), 和/or Health Professions Student loans can be consolidated. For additional information you may contact your lender(s).
  • Loan Rehabilitation

    如果借款人拖欠他或她的NDSL或联邦珀金斯贷款, 他或她可以通过要求康复和按时还款来恢复他们的违约贷款, 每月 payment as determined by the loan holder, each month for nine consecutive months.

    如果借款人成功地恢复了他或她违约的NDSL或联邦帕金斯贷款, 他或她将再次受到条款和条件的约束,并有资格获得借款人原始本票的利益和特权,违约将从借款人的信用记录中删除. 借款人只能恢复一次违约的NDSL或联邦珀金斯贷款.

  • 还款

    在借款人的9个月宽限期结束后开始还款. 的 borrower's payments are 每月 和 the borrower is billed in arrears for interest accrued. 的 minimum 每月 payment is $40.00. 每月还款额是根据贷款的原则计算的, a 10 year repayment schedule at a 5% fixed interest rate. 这些数字是根据联邦法规制定的指导方针. 

  • Student Loan Ombudsman's Office

    如果你以书面形式提交的贷款条款有争议,学校无法解决, 借款人有权与学生贷款申诉专员办公室联系.
    在线: http://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/repay-loans/disputes/prepare
    Phone: 1-877-557-2575
    Fax: 606-396-4821
    Mail: FSA Ombudsman Group
    Monticello, KY 42633